Design an Animated Lower Thirds with After Effects
The Design an Animated Lower Thirds with After Effects workshop goes through how to create those captivating slides for newscasts.
Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition
The Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition workshop introduces the fundamentals of audio editing, getting you ready to start a podcast!
Animate Social Media Videos with Adobe Animate
This workshop will elevate your social media skills by teaching you how to animate videos using Adobe Animate.
Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition
Have you ever wanted to start a podcast, but don’t know how to get that crisp, well-edited audio that the professionals have? Our Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition workshop shows all the editing tips and tricks to get your podcast sounding amazing!
Animate a Character with Character Animator and After Effects
Learn how to animate your own character! We’ll walk through the basics of Adobe Character Animator to design a character and then enhance that character in Adobe After Effects.
Overview of Multimedia Design with Adobe Creative Cloud
This workshop provides an introduction to Adobe’s multimedia design tools, including Premiere, Audition, After Effects, and Animate.
Create Social Media Videos with Premiere Pro
This workshop shows how to leverage Adobe Premiere Pro to create social media videos that shine above all the others!