Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition

Digital Lounge 3630 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Have you ever wanted to start a podcast, but don't know how to get that crisp, well-edited audio that the professionals have? Join our Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition workshop, where you'll learn all the editing tips and tricks to get your podcast sounding amazing!

Edit Audio for a Podcast with Adobe Audition

Digital Lounge 3630 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Edit Audio for a Podcast with Audition workshop introduces the fundamentals of audio editing, getting you ready to start a podcast!

Edit a Documentary Film with Premiere and Audition

Digital Lounge 3630 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Edit a Documentary Film with Premiere and Audition workshop shows how to create a portfolio-worthy documentary film using Premiere Pro for video editing and Audition for audio editing.