UI/UX Design with Figma Series

UI/UX design is crucial to creating a captivating experiences for the web, mobile apps, and the products we use every day. This three-part workshop series introduces Figma and how to leverage it to design a website.

Part 1: Intro and Design Basics

This first workshop introduces Figma’s platform, how to create a basic wireframe, and gets you started on designing a website.

Part 2: Intermediate Design Techniques

The second part of our UI/UX Design for the Web with Figma series introduces more intermediate design techniques to level up a site or app’s design.

Part 3: Animation & Prototyping

This third of three workshops introduces how to make a Figma design come alive by animating parts of the design and prototyping website behavior. Additionally, techniques for sharing your design are covered.

Interested in turning your Figma website design into a live, functioning website? Check out or Web Coding Workshop series to learn how to develop your site with code!