How to Make a GIF in Photoshop
Have you ever wanted to make a GIF but didn’t know how? This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to make your own GIF out of photos in Photoshop, so you can create and share your own!
Create a Slideshow in Photoshop
This tutorial takes you through the steps to make a simple slideshow in Photoshop, from importing your images to render settings! Photoshop gives you full creative freedom to edit slideshows however you like, so it may fit your needs more than other applications!
Design a Movie Poster with Photoshop
Have you ever wondered how studios and production companies make such captivating movie posters? The Design a Movie Poster with Photoshop workshop walks through the movie poster design process step-by-step using Adobe Photoshop.
Overview of Visual Design with Adobe Creative Cloud
This workshop introduces the main visual design tools in the Adobe Creative Cloud, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Express.
Make a Movie Poster in Photoshop
Like a trailer, a movie poster can capture your audience’s attention and spark their interest in your film. It has to be concise, while also inviting the audience to dive further into the story. This tutorial will give you tips and best practices to make a poster that will reel in your audience!
Photoshop Selection Tools Explained
Selection tools are one of the critical skills to know to get started with Photoshop! This tutorial will take you through how to use it and the different types!
How to Color Artwork with Photoshop
Transform hand-drawn art into digital masterpieces! Learn coloring with Photoshop in this beginner-friendly tutorial.
Mastering Brushes in Photoshop
Watch our workshop recording to learn all about using brushes in Photoshop!
Leveraging Generative AI for Photography with Photoshop
Missed our workshop introducing Photoshop’s generative AI capabilities? Catch up with the recorded workshop!
Improving Photoshop Designs with Adobe Firefly AI
Adobe has introduced Firefly, their own AI framework. This workshop showcases how to leverage Firefly to improve designs in Photoshop.